Giacondo Dias - Brazilian Communist Party

Giocondo Dias General Secretary, Central Committee Brazilian Communist Party Comrades and Friends, We regard this conference as a gathering of historic importance representing an outstanding contribution to the struggle for social progress and peace. We therefore wish to extend our greetings to you and, above all, to thank the Socialist Unity Party of Germany for providing the opportunity of our coming together. This initiative launched by the comrades of the SED clearly illustrates their consistence in applying the Theses proposed for the Karl Marx Year, because this conference is dedicated to peace....

2023-12-18 · 19 min · 3911 words · knfrmity

Meroro - South West Africa People's Organization

David H. Meroro National Chairman, South West Africa People’s Organization (Namibia) Comrade Chairman, Dear Comrade Erich Honecker, The Distinguished General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany and Chairman of the Council of State of the German Democratic Republic, Esteemed Comrades and Dear Friends, I have the honour to represent Comrade Sam Nujoma, President of SWAPO and the embattled Namibian people at this truly historic international gathering which the Socialist Unity Party of Germany has organized to commemorate the one hundred and sixty-fivth (165) birthday as well as the centenary of the death of Karl Marx....

2023-12-31 · 15 min · 3187 words · knfrmity

Abou Hatem, Palestine Liberation Organization

Abou Hatem Deputy Head, Political Department, Executive Committee, Palestine Liberation Organization Member, Palestine National Council Comrades and Friends, It gives me pleasure to express deep gratitude and high appreciation to the Socialist Unity Patty of Germany and its General Secretary, the esteemed comrade Erich Honecker, on behalf of the Palestine Liberation Organization, for inviting us to attend this important conference. Thank you for making such a great effort in organizing this conference, and for the hospitality and cordial reception given us since our arrival in this friendly socialist country....

2023-12-10 · 12 min · 2471 words · knfrmity